   Santa's arrival brings smiles
          The smiles tell the story of how thrilled these young children are to see Santa Claus.
THE children of Cayman got their
Pitcairn, as he waited in the Santa line
chance to see Santa Clans arrive by
with his daughter. Sophie.
airplane on Saturday 11 December, when
The Kiwanis Club was grateful to Style
he visited the Airport car park, across
96.5 FM for publicizing the event and to
from Foster's Food Fair.
Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) and
The special children's party, called
KPMG for their sponsorship.
'Santa's landing,' was organized by the
Later, the event featured an appearance
Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman.
by CUC's mascot, Sparky the Turtle,
Islands Air helped, by airlifting Santa
who added a Caribbean flavour to the
from one end of Owen Roberts
proceedings as he gave out candies and
International Airport runway to the other,
as excited children waited for Santa to
Kiwanis fundraising Chairman, Arie
make his appearance.
Barendrecht said: "We were pleased to
A very long line of children
see so many children coming to Santa's
accompanied by their mothers and
Landing. We had 500 children last year,
fathers, waiting to see Santa Claus,
and this year we expected a lot less, but
stretched right across the park, while
we had around 450 children, so we are
other children played on side attractions
very pleased."
such as the bouncy castle and the merry-
This is the 24th year that the Kiwanis
Club has organized this special event for
Smiles on the faces of the children told
Cayman's children. "We are planning an
the story of how excited they were.
even bigger event for next year." added
"It's a wonderful day for the children,"
Mr Barendrecht.
said one of the fathers, IT expert. Tony
Source:  Cayman Net News 15 December 2004