Kiwanis Club brings Santa
This year marks the 24th
ing and balloon-art.
he said. "Little girls usually
year that the Kiwanis Club
want a dolly and little boys
has   organised   Santa's
The man of the hour was
want a truck."
Landing for the children of
Cayman's own Santa Claus -
Grand Cayman. The turnout
otherwise known as Roger
Santa Claus got a lift from
was bigger than expected - a
Bodden, a director of the
Island Air; with a short tour
total of 450 presents were
Kiwanis Club, who donned
around the island with a
given out to boys and girls
the familiar red suit for the
select few very lucky children
and everyone got into the
15th time this year
on board. One little boy kept
spirit of the season.
turning around to make sure
"Although it was more
Santa was still sitting in the
The Kiwanis Club is
difficult to organise the club
back of the plane.
focused on children, and the
for the past few months, as
Cayman branch has made
everyone had personal issues
When the plane touched
numerous donations to the
to deal with, I am pleased
down and Santa started
hospital and schools.
that we are able to be here
walking towards the large
for the children," he said.
group of children and parents
For Santa's Landing, elec-
waiting for him, the smiles
tricity provider Caribbean
Bodden loves the joy and
and shouts of greetings and
Utilities Co (CUC) donated
excitement he can bring to
"Ho ho ho's" would have
a large tent to protect from
the children when he is
gotten anyone in the right
the grey clouds looming
dressed up. "They say things
frame of mind.
above, as well as generator
like 'I love you Santa' and
power for the hot dogs,
'God bless you Santa' and it is
For the next few hours,
popcorn and cotton candy
very heart-warming!"
Santa met with hundreds of
children and with the assis-
He tries to spend a couple
tance of elf and PR and
'Weekend warriors' and
of minutes with each child
promotions director Mary
Kiwanis volunteers were at
and asks them what they
McCallum,      everyone
hand to help with manning
want for Christinas. "Most
received a present, a smile
the bouncy castle, face paint-
children have simple wishes,"
and even a photo with Santa.
               Source: Cayman Observer Christmas Issue 2004